
Are you looking for how to make it in the big city, pinch pennies, or just looking for unique ways to stay on budget?

Our new e-books focus on just that!  I started my journey as a single mother of one.  In the midst of my uphill climb, I met my husband, who was no better off in the financial department. Together, we have a ton of budget friendly, money saving tips and tricks which are slowly making their way to various e-books.  Be sure to visit often to see what other e-books are added. Enjoy!

This amazing, printable e-book, is packed with different ways to save money while living in an apartment.  Just because you don’t have land or own a home doesn’t mean that you cannot save a ton.  I alone started my homesteading journey in a very small 890 square foot apartment just outside of the big city.  By thinking outside the box, I was able to raise my son on my income ONLY. I incorporated out of the box ideas and basic homesteading principles to make it all work.  Here’s how I did it!

(16 pages)

PP Ebook 1

Penny Pinching in an Apartment

Price: FREE

(More e-books are in the works!)