Recipe Box

Welcome to the Recipe Box…

Here you will find from scratch, homemade recipes which are listed in the drop down menu above. Everyone has influences on their cooking style and the types of food they eat. A lot has to do with lifestyle and upbringing.  It is often the center of a family gathering and also the center of our day.  We focus on food all the time because one wrong choice could lead to more poor choices which in turn, never ends well on any level.  With all of the media and food supply hysteria, concentrating on gardening and creating wonderful meals the old fashioned way is even more important.

  • it keeps you healthy both body and gut
  • it prevents a lot of health issues
  • it makes you feel better
  • it makes you feel proud of what you’ve made with your own two hands for your family
  • it gets the kids involved in the process of farm to plate
  • it makes you more knowledgeable about what exactly you are eating and where it came from


The best way to cook is from scratch.  You get a feel for flavors and marriages of vegetables that go very well together.  Keep food exciting and it will never be boring.  I was afraid when we started that food would become daunting to make and expensive. But this is not the case!  Buying on the perimeter of the grocery store eliminates anything processed.  It’s the inside of the store that you want to avoid.  Fresh is best and fresh is cheaper.  Think about it, you pay for convenience and packaging.  An apple is just an apple and is bare at that.  There is the savings.  Switch things up and create new food experiences using a variety of different cooking methods such as using a dehydrator, cast iron pans, cooking on the grill, canning, baking, roasting, cooking on an open fire, or a rocket stove, or even a sun oven.   Whatever your fancy, the sky is the limit.


-control your garden – control your food storage – control what’s in your food –

Are you into canning?  Be sure to check out the Canning Recipes!